High level GDNative
Single header GDNative high level API for C/C++
No Matches
Runtime assertions

Macros that check for a condition, aborting current function if this condition is false. More...


#define HGDN_ASSERT(cond)   HGDN_ASSERT_MSG((cond), "Assertion error: !(" #cond ")")
#define HGDN_ASSERT_MSG(cond, fmt, ...)   if(!(cond)){ HGDN_PRINT_ERROR(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); return hgdn_new_nil_variant(); }
 If cond is false, print formatted error message and return nil Variant.
#define HGDN_ASSERT_ARRAY_SIZE(arr, min_size)   HGDN_ASSERT_MSG(hgdn_core_api->godot_array_size((arr)) >= (min_size), "Error: array should have size of at least " #min_size ", got %d", hgdn_core_api->godot_array_size((arr)))
 If arr doesn't have at least min_size elements, print error message and return nil Variant.
#define HGDN_ASSERT_ARGS_SIZE(argc, min_size)   HGDN_ASSERT_MSG((argc) >= (min_size), "Error: expected at least " #min_size " arguments, got %d", argc)
 If argc isn't at least min_size, print error message and return nil Variant.

Detailed Description

If condition is false, prints an error message and return a nil variant, so they are meant to be used in GDNative functions that return godot_variant like native calls or methods.