Available configurations

Project Settings

In the Project -> Project Settings... window, the following configurations are available:

  • Lua PluginScript/Package Path/Behavior: Whether templates will replace package.path, be appended to it or prepended to it. Default behavior: replace.
  • Lua PluginScript/Package Path/Templates: List of templates to be injected into package.path. Default templates: res://?.lua and res://?/init.lua.
  • Lua PluginScript/Package C Path/Behavior: Whether templates will replace package.cpath, be appended to it or prepended to it. Default behavior: replace.
  • Lua PluginScript/Package C Path/Templates: List of templates to be injected into package.cpath. Default templates: !/?.dll and !/loadall.dll on Windows, !/?.so and !/loadall.so elsewhere.
  • Lua PluginScript/Export/Minify On Release Export: Whether Lua scritps should be minified on release exports. Defaults to true.

Configuring package.path and package.cpath

Templates for package.path and package.cpath accept paths starting with Godot's Resource path res:// and User path user://.

Also, the special character ! represents the executable directory. When running a standalone build, it will be replaced by the directory of the executable path (OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir()). When opening the project from the editor, it will be replaced by the project root (ProjectSettings.globalize_path("res://")).

When the behavior is configured to replace, paths coming from the environment variables LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH will also be replaced.

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2023-01-04 08:52:34